proposes giving the Mayor a single vote on Council matters, while removing the Mayor's ability to veto Council decisions. This amendment changes the Mayor's role to a voting member of the Council without the power to veto. Currently, the Mayor does not have a vote on Council, but the Mayor has the power to veto Council decisions. This amendment seeks to align the Mayor's role with that of other Councilmembers, providing clarity on the Mayor's function in the legislative process as typically done in other local communities.
proposes that candidates for the offices of Councilmember and Mayor cannot hold those offices at the time of filing their nomination petition, unless they are in the last year of their current term. This amendment changes the electoral process by preventing sitting officials from using the advantages of incumbency while running for a new term or a different office.
proposes that board or commission members, as well as Councilmembers, may be removed if they have three or more unexcused absences from meetings. This amendment sets clear grounds for removal based on attendance. This amendment establishes attendance requirements for members of boards, commissions, and the City Council, ensuring that all members are actively participating in their duties. The amendment provides a clear standard for removal in cases of repeated unexcused absences.
proposes that the Clerk of Council can provide public notice of any proposed adoption or recodification of the City Code by posting it on the City’s website and in at least three public places within the City for at least ten days prior to adoption. This amendment modernizes the process of notifying the public about changes to the City Code by incorporating digital platforms to ensure wider and more timely dissemination of information.
proposes that the residency requirement for the City Manager be determined by existing Ohio State Law and as negotiated by the City Council. This amendment allows flexibility in setting residency requirements. This amendment provides flexibility in the residency requirements for the City Manager, allowing the City Council to consider the specific circumstances of each candidate and align the residency requirement with state law.